Causes of Insurance Disputes

Advise & Consult, Inc. | November 9, 2015 The details and specifications of insurance disputes can be never ending, with a number of permutations and specifications possible for each insurance dispute. Yet when you look down to the core of the issue, the primary causes for the insurance disputes boil down to a few similar… Continue reading Causes of Insurance Disputes

Construction Defect and Dispute Conference Comes to Portland

Advise & Consult, Inc. | September 14, 2015 Construction defect suits have been on the decline recently as many of the construction issues from the last building wave have been litigated or otherwise addressed. Portland, among many other cities across the US, finds itself in yet another building boom cycle which is certain to result… Continue reading Construction Defect and Dispute Conference Comes to Portland

Additional Construction Defect & Dispute Conferences Announced!

Today is the Premier Intermountain Construction Defect & Dispute Conference in Sandy, UT and in conjunction with this event we are excited to announce these 5 future Construction Defect & Dispute Conferences!  Coming up next will be our Premier Northwest Construction Defect & Dispute Conference on September 11, 2015 in Portland, OR. We will then… Continue reading Additional Construction Defect & Dispute Conferences Announced!

Is That Covered?

Michael R. Kelley – September 2014 If you or your clients have ever had the experience of submitting a claim to an insurance company, you probably know how difficult it can be to get the insurance company to pay the full amount of damages.  Even if the company agrees that a loss is covered, insurers… Continue reading Is That Covered?

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