William L. Porter | Porter Law Group The California mechanics lien is one of the most powerful collection remedies available to contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who are unpaid for work performed and materials supplied in relation to a California private works construction project. The mechanics lien allows the claimant to actually sell the property where… Continue reading Project Completion Determines Mechanics Lien Recording Deadline
Tag: Mechanics Lien Law
A Few Days Late, and Many Dollars Short: Utah Court Of Appeals Reminds That Statutory Deadlines Matter, and Provides Clarity On What Is Lienable Work In Utah
Mark Morris and Tyson Prisbrey | Snell & Wilmer Utah’s lien statute is intricate, unique, and oft amended by the legislature. And how Utah courts have interpreted the definitions and deadlines in the lien statute are frequent subjects of trial court best efforts and, inevitably, appellate opinions. Staying current on the lien statute and the… Continue reading A Few Days Late, and Many Dollars Short: Utah Court Of Appeals Reminds That Statutory Deadlines Matter, and Provides Clarity On What Is Lienable Work In Utah
Key Amendments to Florida’s Construction Lien Law: An Overview
Corey Etcheverry | Saul Ewing Florida’s lien law is once again under construction with significant changes which went into effect on October 1, 2023. The amendments impact various aspects of lien rights, notice requirements, bond amounts, and attorney fee recovery. Key Provisions and Implications These amendments make critical changes to Florida’s lien laws and will… Continue reading Key Amendments to Florida’s Construction Lien Law: An Overview
Florida’s Lien Law is Under Construction
Jacqueline Feliciano | Adams and Reese Earlier this month, House Bill 331 was signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. House Bill 331 revises several provisions of Florida’s Construction Lien Law, which is codified in Chapter 713, Part I of the Florida Statutes. Becoming familiar with these changes is crucial as they are set to take… Continue reading Florida’s Lien Law is Under Construction
Protecting and Perfecting Your Mechanics Lien when the Property Owner Files Bankruptcy
William L. Porter | Porter Law Group Introduction/Overview of the Mechanics Lien Law The California mechanics lien is a powerful tool for contractors, subcontractors and materials suppliers to secure payment of unpaid construction debts. A contractor, subcontractor or materials supplier is allowed to record a mechanics lien on real property, based on the value added… Continue reading Protecting and Perfecting Your Mechanics Lien when the Property Owner Files Bankruptcy