Scott R. Murphy | Barnes & Thornburg LLP | September 26, 2016 Recently, the Michigan Court of Appeals examined whether a supplier’s construction lien rights were limited by a pay-when-paid clause contained in the supplier’s contract with the general contractor. In Dubock v Copeland Paving, Inc., 216 Westlaw 1230860 (March 29, 2006), owners of a law… Continue reading Michigan Construction Lien Rights Trump Pay When Paid Clause
Tag: Michigan
Court Addresses Limits of Coverage for Faulty Rooftop Solar Installation
Frederick J. Heinle | Duane Morris LLP | June 6, 2016 A Michigan appellate court recently addressed what coverage, if any, was available under a general liability insurance policy for damage caused by the improper installation of rooftop solar panels. Mid-Michigan Solar LLC (“MMS”) was contracted to install photovoltaic solar power systems at a customer’s… Continue reading Court Addresses Limits of Coverage for Faulty Rooftop Solar Installation
Sixth Circuit: A Michigan Collapse Extension Overrides Exclusions for Cracking and Defective Design
Dick Bennett | Cozen O’Connor’s Property Insurance Law Observer | July 15, 2015 In Joy Tabernacle — The New Testament Church v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 2015 WL 3824733, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 10707 (6th Cir., Jun. 22, 2015), a unanimous panel of the federal Court of Appeals recently held that a collapse extension… Continue reading Sixth Circuit: A Michigan Collapse Extension Overrides Exclusions for Cracking and Defective Design