Jordan Weeks | Frantz Ward Speedy Maintenance, LLC v. Windsor Tower, LLC, 2024-Ohio-5841 (2d Dist.) is a recent case concerning a dispute over repairs to a parking garage where Ohio’s Second District Court of Appeals confronted issues such as: Case Background The Owner of a commercial building sought to renovate an attached, six-floor parking garage.… Continue reading Oral Contract and Invalid Lien Spell Trouble for Contractor
Tag: Ohio
Changes to Ohio’s Home Construction Law: Benefits and Burdens for Remodelers and Consumers
Thomas Hunt and Nathan Studeny | Kohrman Jackson & Krantz Ohio made a significant change to its law governing home construction services, introducing an amendment that impacts both contractors and homeowners. House Bill 50 (H.B. 50), signed by Governor Mike DeWine in June 2024, added several key terms to the Home Construction Service Suppliers Act (HCSSA) to… Continue reading Changes to Ohio’s Home Construction Law: Benefits and Burdens for Remodelers and Consumers
Who Owns it Anyway? The Uncommon Issues Unique to Mechanic’s Liens For Common Elements of a Condominium
Ciaran Kelly | Frantz Ward Contractors, subcontractors, laborers, and material suppliers who perform work or labor upon or furnish materials in furtherance of any improvement undertaken by virtue of a contract with an owner, part owner, or lessee have mechanic’s lien rights to secure payment in full for their completed work.[1] Ohio’s lien law provides that… Continue reading Who Owns it Anyway? The Uncommon Issues Unique to Mechanic’s Liens For Common Elements of a Condominium
New Scope of Ohio Home Construction Suppliers Services Act Takes Effect
Jacob H. Levine | Cannabiz Law Blog Effective Sept. 19, the bill Gov. Mike DeWine recently signed into law, (HB 50) ushers in significant changes to the Ohio Home Construction Suppliers Services Act (HCSSA). This new legislation expands the definition of “home construction service” to include not only the construction of new residential buildings but… Continue reading New Scope of Ohio Home Construction Suppliers Services Act Takes Effect
Ohio Changes Law Applicable to Home Improvement Disputes Greater than $25,000
Mark Rodio | Frantz Ward LLP Recently, the Ohio Legislature changed a 12-year-old law applicable to home construction services. The original version only applied to contracts for new construction (or ancillary construction to the new construction, like a garage being built along with a house) for more than $25,000. Now, contracts for repair, renovation, remodeling… Continue reading Ohio Changes Law Applicable to Home Improvement Disputes Greater than $25,000