Blake Robinson | Davis Wright Tremaine | August 8, 2019 Under Oregon law, a contractor or subcontractor must file a construction lien within 75 days “after the person has ceased to provide labor, rent equipment or furnish materials or 75 days after completion of construction, whichever is earlier.” ORS 87.035(1). But when does the 75-day… Continue reading Oregon Court of Appeals Clarifies Timing Rule for Construction Liens
Tag: Oregon
New Oregon Gross Receipts Tax Presents Special Challenges for Construction Projects Located in Oregon
Lewis Horowitz and Eric Kodesch | Lane Powell | June 10, 2019 Oregon has enacted a new gross receipts tax (the “Oregon CAT”), largely based on the Ohio commercial activity tax (“Ohio CAT”), but with significant differences. We issued a legal update with a detailed summary of the Oregon CAT and its effect on businesses with Oregon-sourced receipts —… Continue reading New Oregon Gross Receipts Tax Presents Special Challenges for Construction Projects Located in Oregon
How To File A Complaint With The Oregon Division of Financial Regulation About Your Delaying, Denying and Bad Treating Insurance Company
Daniel Veroff | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | May 10, 2019 When Oreganians are mistreated by their insurance companies, they can turn to the state government for help. Oregon’s Division of Financial Regulation has the authority to accept and investigate complaints by consumers. Filing a consumer complaint can be done on the Division’s website and is… Continue reading How To File A Complaint With The Oregon Division of Financial Regulation About Your Delaying, Denying and Bad Treating Insurance Company
The Skyscrapers of the Future Will Be Made of Wood
David J. Petersen | Tonkon Torp. | September 6, 2018 On August 8, the Oregon Building Codes Division approved a new state building code called a Statewide Alternate Method. The new code authorizes the construction of wood buildings taller than six stories, which was the previous limit. Taller wood buildings have been made possible by technological advances with cross-laminated… Continue reading The Skyscrapers of the Future Will Be Made of Wood
Oregon Anti-Indemnity Statute Voids Sub-sub’s Duty to Indemnify Sub for the Sub’s Own Negligence
Amandeep S. Kahlon | Buildsmart | August 7, 2018 The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld the application of Oregon’s anti-indemnity statute to a contractual indemnity provision requiring a sub-subcontractor’s insurer to indemnify the subcontractor for the subcontractor’s own negligence. In First Mercury Insurance Company v. Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company, Multnomah County contracted with… Continue reading Oregon Anti-Indemnity Statute Voids Sub-sub’s Duty to Indemnify Sub for the Sub’s Own Negligence