Caution to GCs! An Exception to Privette Can Leave You Open to Liability

Dolores Montoya | Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara In a recent important decision, Brown v. Beach House Design & Development  the Court of Appeal addressed an issue that frequently arises under the Privette doctrine—the extent to which a general contractor can be held liable for injuries to a subcontractor’s employee. The injuries in Brown arose when a window casing subcontractor’s… Continue reading Caution to GCs! An Exception to Privette Can Leave You Open to Liability

Who’s Responsible?

The CLM “Go back to work.” Those words from the general contractor precipitated the subcontractor employee’s injury. Still, the general contractor was not liable. In a win for the construction industry, the Court of Appeal ruled in August 2022 that the Privette Doctrine barred subcontractor employees’ injury claims against general contractors. The Privette Doctrine is great for property owners,… Continue reading Who’s Responsible?

California Supreme Court Rejects Third Exception to Privette Doctrine

Brad Vornholt and Joelle Nelson | Lewis Brisbois In Gonzalez v. Mathis (August 19, 2021) 12 Cal. 5th 29, the California Supreme Court considered whether to create a third exception to the Privette Doctrine specific to known hazards on a worksite, when a contractor cannot remedy the hazard by taking reasonable safety precautions to protect against it. Privette Background Under… Continue reading California Supreme Court Rejects Third Exception to Privette Doctrine

A Riveting (or at Least Insightful) Explanation of the Privette Doctrine

Garret Murai | California Construction Law Blog “The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine” – Plutarch And grind they do . . . slowly. For long time readers of the California Construction Law Blog you may recall a case we reported on over three years ago in 2018 – Sandoval v. Qualcomm Incorporated –… Continue reading A Riveting (or at Least Insightful) Explanation of the Privette Doctrine

California Supreme Court Declines Request to Expand Exceptions to Privette Doctrine for Known Hazards

Garret Murai | California Construction Law Blog First things first. Happy New Year! Hope you had a good one. To start things off in the new year we’ve got an employment-related case for you – Gonzalez v. Mathis, 12 Cal.5th 29 (2021) – a California Supreme Court case involving the Privette Doctrine. For those not familiar… Continue reading California Supreme Court Declines Request to Expand Exceptions to Privette Doctrine for Known Hazards

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