General Contractor Not a “Seller” Entitled to Indemnity in Product Liability Case

J. Laurens Wilkes, Andrew D. Ness and William R. Taylor | Jones Day | July 15, 2016 On June 17, 2016, the Texas Supreme Court held that a general contractor was not a “seller” under Chapter 82 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code and, therefore, not entitled to indemnification from the manufacturer of an… Continue reading General Contractor Not a “Seller” Entitled to Indemnity in Product Liability Case

Connecticut Grapples With Failing Concrete Foundations

Nadine M. Post | Engineering News-Record | June 21, 2016 A mineral is a common denominator in the construction defects. Bad casting practices may be a factor in the poor performance of foundations over time. PHOTO COURTESY OF RESIDENTIAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Bad casting practices may be a factor in the poor performance of foundations over… Continue reading Connecticut Grapples With Failing Concrete Foundations

Court Addresses Limits of Coverage for Faulty Rooftop Solar Installation

Frederick J. Heinle | Duane Morris LLP | June 6, 2016 A Michigan appellate court recently addressed what coverage, if any, was available under a general liability insurance policy for damage caused by the improper installation of rooftop solar panels. Mid-Michigan Solar LLC (“MMS”) was contracted to install photovoltaic solar power systems at a customer’s… Continue reading Court Addresses Limits of Coverage for Faulty Rooftop Solar Installation

Is that Product Liability Claim Covered?

Matthew D. Stockwell and Amanda Senske | Property Casualty 360° | June 1, 2016 Commercial General Liability (“CGL”) insurance policies broadly provide defense and indemnity coverage for claims of bodily injury and property damage asserted against an insured. Product manufacturers are frequently called upon to defend against claims that their products caused bodily injury or… Continue reading Is that Product Liability Claim Covered?

3D Printing and Its Uncertain Products Liability Landscape

Hunton & Williams | May 9, 2016 There is general consensus that 3D printing has potentially revolutionary implications for industry and, along with it, for the law. In terms of products liability law, its consequences for industry and consumers injured by 3D- printed products are potentially just as far-reaching. Consider a fact pattern under which… Continue reading 3D Printing and Its Uncertain Products Liability Landscape

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