Comparing Public-Private Partnerships in Construction: A Damages Perspective

Charles Parekh | HKA Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are an increasingly prevalent financing and project delivery model in the construction industry, addressing complex infrastructure challenges by merging the strengths of both the public and private sectors. This collaboration is often crucial to meeting the escalating demand for modern infrastructure driven by rapid urbanization and technological advancements.… Continue reading Comparing Public-Private Partnerships in Construction: A Damages Perspective

New State Law Regarding Unsolicited Proposals Prompts Changes in Local Government Codes

Lucas Pizzutti | Bilzin Sumberg On June 12, 2024, the City of Miami Gardens passed an ordinance that updates its municipal code to reflect new processes for unsolicited proposals and Public-Private Partnerships (“P3”) now allowed by statute. As we have mentioned in a previous blog post, the Florida legislature recently passed HB 781, a bill that sets out new… Continue reading New State Law Regarding Unsolicited Proposals Prompts Changes in Local Government Codes

Are P3s the Future of Public Health Care Construction Projects?

Robert A. Gallagher, Erin S. Whaley, Alexander P. Downs and Emma E. Trivax | Troutman Pepper Public-private partnerships (P3s) have recently become a popular tool for the development of public infrastructure projects in the U.S. and across the globe. By bringing together public and private resources, P3s can be used to finance the construction of… Continue reading Are P3s the Future of Public Health Care Construction Projects?

A General Introduction to Public-Private Partnerships in USA

Armando Rivera Jacobo and Dolly Mirchandani | White & Case All questions Overview It has been said that the development of the modern form of PPP can be traced back to the power purchase agreements developed in the United States during the 1980s, which provided for a two-component compensation system: a capacity availability payment and… Continue reading A General Introduction to Public-Private Partnerships in USA

California Statutes Authorizing Public-Private Partnership Contracting

Robert A. James and Shade Oladetimi | Gravel2Gavel Public-private partnerships are often cited as a key pathway to restoring and enhancing the nation’s infrastructure. They can be challenging arrangements to structure. (As a result of the pandemic, they have even suffered the indignity of having their “PPP” acronym coopted by the Paycheck Protection Program. With apologies… Continue reading California Statutes Authorizing Public-Private Partnership Contracting

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