Public-Private Partnerships: Navigating the Ins and Outs of P3s

Marti McCaleb | Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt | October 3, 2017 Earlier this year, the Public-Private Partnership (P3) Committee of the Washington Capital Projects Advisory Review Board (CPARB) submitted draft legislation that would make significant changes to Washington’s current statutory structure for public-private partnerships. A P3 is a contractual relationship between a public agency and… Continue reading Public-Private Partnerships: Navigating the Ins and Outs of P3s

Unsuccessful P3 Proposals Are Not Subject to Public Records Laws

Stan Martin | Commonsense Construction Law LLC | November 4, 2016 In the ordinary course of public project procurement, bids of the competing companies become subject to public review after the bid opening. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court (an intermediate appellate court; see more below) recently held that the proposals of unsuccessful competitors on P3 projects… Continue reading Unsuccessful P3 Proposals Are Not Subject to Public Records Laws

Are Public-Private Partnerships the Solution for CA’s Infrastructure Gap?

Julie Brook, Esq. | CEBblog™ | June 3, 2015 Public-private partnerships (P3s) are hot in an era of budget cutbacks and the need for alternative, innovative ways to repair and replace our aging public infrastructure. P3s can help bridge the infrastructure gap by using private capital to finance large infrastructure projects and leveraging funding payments over… Continue reading Are Public-Private Partnerships the Solution for CA’s Infrastructure Gap?

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