William L. Doerler and Victoria Phillips | CLM | May 3, 2018 Construction defect claims often are complicated by a variety of issues, including those related to the statute of repose and contractual bars to recovery. In order to maximize the subrogation potential for these claims, you should deconstruct any potential subrogation barriers and, upon… Continue reading Deconstructing Construction Claims – Issues to Consider When Handling Construction Defect Subrogation
Tag: Statute of Limitations
Are You at Odds with Your Insurer in Arizona? An Outline on Initiating Litigation in the Grand Canyon State
Erin Dunnavant | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | April 10, 2018 In Arizona, the statute of limitations for a cause of action for insurance benefits will begin to run from the date the insurer committed a breach, unless the policy states otherwise (i.e., from the “inception of” or “date of” loss). Typically, this means… Continue reading Are You at Odds with Your Insurer in Arizona? An Outline on Initiating Litigation in the Grand Canyon State
Judge Salinger: Defendant’s Letter Disputing Existence of Contract Does Not Trigger Start of Statute of Limitations Period for Plaintiff
Matthew P. Ritchie and Natalie M. Cappellazzo | Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP | March 9, 2018 In Bay Colony, Judge Salinger denied the defendants’ motion to dismiss a contract claim as time barred even though one defendant (AMB) had sent a letter to the plaintiffs more than six years earlier disputing the existence of a… Continue reading Judge Salinger: Defendant’s Letter Disputing Existence of Contract Does Not Trigger Start of Statute of Limitations Period for Plaintiff
Tic Toc Tic Toc: The Clock Is Running on Construction and Design Claims by the State of Connecticut Beginning October 1, 2017
Niel Franzese | Robinson & Cole | October 11, 2017 Our readers may recall that Public Act No. 15-28 was signed by the Governor back in 2015, subjecting the State of Connecticut and its political subdivisions to a statute of limitations for asserting actions and claims arising out of “construction-related work.” The law became effective… Continue reading Tic Toc Tic Toc: The Clock Is Running on Construction and Design Claims by the State of Connecticut Beginning October 1, 2017
When is the Statute of Limitations Period Triggered for a Construction Defect Claim in New Jersey?
Lee Henig-Elona | Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani | October 12, 2017 After conflicting conclusions by the lower courts, the New Jersey Supreme Court recently decided whether a condo association’s lawsuits for construction defects were timely filed against a general contractor and three of its subcontractors. The trial court and appellate division came to opposite conclusions… Continue reading When is the Statute of Limitations Period Triggered for a Construction Defect Claim in New Jersey?