Christopher J. Marino and Timothy J. DeHaut | National Law Review | September 27, 2017 In The Palisades at Fort Lee Condominium Association, Inc. v. 100 Old Palisade, LLC, ___ N.J. ___ (2017), the plaintiff was the Condominium Association that brought suit based upon defects in the condominium building after the Association took over control from… Continue reading New Jersey Supreme Court Clarifies Statute of Limitations in Construction Defect Cases
Tag: Statute of Limitations
Justices: Condo Association Can’t Reset Clock on Construction Defect Claim
Charles Toutant | New Jersey Law Journal | September 14, 2017 The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a condominium association can’t restart the clock on the six-year statute of limitations for construction defects after acquiring a former rental property. The justices reversed an Appellate Division ruling that found three suits filed against contractors by the Palisades at… Continue reading Justices: Condo Association Can’t Reset Clock on Construction Defect Claim
So, When are You “Off the Hook?”
Christine D. Barker | Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani | August 30, 2017 A Look at Statutes of Limitation and Repose in California Construction Claims Like everything in life, all good things must come to an end, even a plaintiff’s right to sue. Known as the Statute of Limitation or Statute of Repose1, these government-imposed laws… Continue reading So, When are You “Off the Hook?”
Claim Barred by Florida’s Construction Defect Statute of Repose? Maybe Not. Florida Court Says You Should Read the Construction Contract More Closely
Troy Vuurens | Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig | August 21, 2017 Claim professionals are often reminded that even the most meritorious claim is worthless if not filed within the applicable statute of limitations or statute of repose. In the world of construction defect claims, Florida law provides for a 10-year statute of repose. Under §… Continue reading Claim Barred by Florida’s Construction Defect Statute of Repose? Maybe Not. Florida Court Says You Should Read the Construction Contract More Closely
Use It or Lose It: California Court of Appeal Addresses Statutes of Limitations for Latent Construction Defects and Damage to Real Property
Omar Parra and Jesse M. Sullivan | Haight, Brown & Bonesteel | August 2, 2017 The First Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal recently confirmed California’s latent defect statute of limitations, codified in California Code of Civil Procedure section 337.15, bars only claims based on construction defects. Estuary Owners Association v. Shell Oil Company,… Continue reading Use It or Lose It: California Court of Appeal Addresses Statutes of Limitations for Latent Construction Defects and Damage to Real Property