Government Claims Against Contractors and Developers Subject to Statute of Repose Filing Deadlines, Arizona Court of Appeals Rules

J. Gregory Cahill | Dickinson Wright | May 2016 In a matter of first impression, the Arizona Court of Appeals recently ruled that government claims against contractors and developers are subject to the time limits set forth in the Construction Statute of Repose. The Construction Statute of Repose (CSR) statute prevents contract-based claims regarding the… Continue reading Government Claims Against Contractors and Developers Subject to Statute of Repose Filing Deadlines, Arizona Court of Appeals Rules

Construction and Design Claims: Beware of the Statute of Limitations and Repose

James O. Birr | Jimerson & Cobb P.A. | May 27, 2015 Contractors, developers, owners, and anyone involved in the construction and design industry must be aware of the time periods for bringing suit to enforce construction and design related claims.  Florida law has various limitations periods for filing of lawsuits.  95.11 Florida Statutes.  These… Continue reading Construction and Design Claims: Beware of the Statute of Limitations and Repose

Florida Court Extends Statutes of Limitations and Repose for Construction Defects

  Under Florida law, the four year statute of limitations and the ten year statute of repose both begin to run from “the date of actual possession by the owner, the date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the date of abandonment of construction if not completed, or the date of completion or… Continue reading Florida Court Extends Statutes of Limitations and Repose for Construction Defects

Florida May Soon Reduce Statute of Repose For Construction-Related Claims to 7 Years

Amanda Baggett | Deconstructed | February 11, 2015 On January 22, 2015, Representative Jay Fant introduced House Bill 501, a bill aimed at reducing the current statute of repose for construction-related claims from 10 years to 7 years.  Florida’s statute of limitations and statute of repose for claims “founded on the design, planning, or construction of… Continue reading Florida May Soon Reduce Statute of Repose For Construction-Related Claims to 7 Years

No Diagnosis, No “Damages”: Wisconsin’s Construction Statute of Repose in Asbestos Cases

Gregory N. Heinen | Wisconsin Appellate Law | February 2, 2015 How to apply Wisconsin’s construction statute of repose, Wis. Stat. § 893.89, in asbestos cases has recently been a hot topic dividing trial courts. The statute bars a broad category of claims if they are brought more than 10 years after the date of substantial… Continue reading No Diagnosis, No “Damages”: Wisconsin’s Construction Statute of Repose in Asbestos Cases

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