Scott Orenstein – July 13, 2013 The Connecticut Appellate Court recently handed down a decision that should have all subcontractors carefully reviewing their subcontracts. In Suntech of Connecticut, Inc. v. Lawrence Brunoli, Inc., 143 Conn. App. 581 (2013), Suntech of Connecticut, Inc. (“Suntech”) agreed to “provide glass doors, glass, glazing, an aluminum framing system, and… Continue reading A Cautionary Tale For All Subcontractors
Tag: subcontractors
Nevada Indemnification Clauses and Additional Insured Endorsements
Leon F. Mead II – June 20, 2013 Unlike many states, Nevada has no statutory prohibition on indemnification agreements within the construction context. This has been an issue of significant concern every legislative session since 1995, with 2013 being no exception. See AB367, 77th Legislative Session (2013).[1] In general, Nevada courts will enforce any type… Continue reading Nevada Indemnification Clauses and Additional Insured Endorsements
Indemnity and Insurance in Arizona: Key Concepts for Owners, Contractors and Design Professionals
James J. Sienicki and Eric Spencer – June 20, 2013 Accidents and losses unfortunately happen on construction projects. Thus, it is prudent, on the front end of a project, to prospectively determine which party or parties will ultimately pay in the event accidental damage or loss occurs. This risk is often allocated through an interlocking… Continue reading Indemnity and Insurance in Arizona: Key Concepts for Owners, Contractors and Design Professionals
Construction Law Update – Subcontractors Beware
Bret Wacker – June 13, 2013 Most experienced federal prime contractors are familiar with, or at least aware of, the Christian Doctrine. Based on G.L. Christian & Assoc. v. U.S., 312 F.2d 418, 424 (Ct. Cl. 1963), the Doctrine stands for the proposition that a clause, although not explicitly included in a government prime contract,… Continue reading Construction Law Update – Subcontractors Beware
Important Contract Clauses For Subcontractors And Suppliers
Joe Virene – June 11, 2013 Because of time constraints and the desire to get the business, subcontractors and suppliers routinely sign lengthy subcontracts and master service agreements without closely reading the terms and conditions. Below are some clauses that every subcontractor and supplier should review in a contract. 1. Payment Conditions – You should minimize and… Continue reading Important Contract Clauses For Subcontractors And Suppliers