Termination for Convenience Clauses: Maybe More Than Just Convenience

Robert C. Shaia and Jane M. Kutepova | ConsensusDocs A contractor begins work on a project and everything is going well, until one day the owner informs the contractor that it is being terminated for convenience.  Possibly, there is no discussion about alleged defects, reasons for the termination, or any damages the owner might seek against… Continue reading Termination for Convenience Clauses: Maybe More Than Just Convenience

Termination Of Construction Contract For Convenience By Project Owner

Paul W. Norris | Stark & Stark In the past, construction contracts could typically only be terminated if there was a breach of the construction agreement by the owner or contractor. Under such scenarios, litigation often arose concerning whether the termination was proper and whether the contractor might be entitled to lost profits and other… Continue reading Termination Of Construction Contract For Convenience By Project Owner

Terminating Contracts for Convenience – “Just Because”

David Adelstein | Florida Construction Legal Updates Termination for convenience provisions are important provisions to include in construction contracts.  These are provisions that allow a party to terminate the contract for ANY REASON.  No cause is needed to exercise the termination for convenience provision.  In other words, the terminating party does not have to demonstrate the… Continue reading Terminating Contracts for Convenience – “Just Because”

Bad Faith Termination for Convenience

Patrick Tighe | Snell & Wilmer Many construction contracts include a clause that allows an owner to terminate a contractor’s remaining work on a project at the owner’s convenience. And during a global pandemic and these turbulent economic times, termination for convenience clauses are receiving renewed attention, including under what circumstances an owner may not… Continue reading Bad Faith Termination for Convenience

Drafting Enforceable Termination for Convenience Clauses

John Benjamin Patrick | Gordon & Rees LLP | July 13, 2016 We all know what purpose a termination for convenience clause is supposed to serve: if circumstances have changed such that the owner (or, in the case of a subcontract, the general contractor) believes it is no longer advisable to proceed, the contract is… Continue reading Drafting Enforceable Termination for Convenience Clauses

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